My American Market: your bulk supplier of US products!

Welcome to our dedicated space for Professionals. You have a question? Doubts? Issues? Feel free to call us from Monday to Friday at 05 64 88 03 33

Is your business looking for an importer and wholesaler of American goods?

We've been a leader on the European market since 2009, serving thousands of clients! At My American Market:

We have one of the largest selections in Europe: more than 1300 products at wholesale prices

90% of our products are in stock and ready to ship

Our online ordering system is open 24/7

You can check Best By dates and product availability in real time

We have deals with exclusive brands

You can reserve for up to 7 days before payment

We ensure that every order is properly protected for shipping so that you and your customers are never disappointed

You can pick up your order from our Paris location (France) if you're in the area

We ship worldwide

European map wholesale deliveryEuropean map wholesale delivery

Our + services

Pre-order to make sure your shelves stay stocked and to get new products before anyone else

Get custom labels for your products

Let our purchasing team handle your sourcing needs

Develop your American product line with the help of our experts

Get the best prices when you import directly from the US

Get the best US snack, breakfast cereal, soda, sauce, and candy brands at wholesale prices from My American Market, your American food supplier:

Satisfied retailers include!

My American Market American foodMy American Market American food

Grocery Stores

Online and brick-and-mortar American grocery stores, speciality food stores, kosher markets, candy and sweet shops, etc.

Restaurants & Bars

American restaurants, diners, pubs, bagel shops, food trucks, hotdog stands, tearooms, coffeehouses, bars, etc.

American Boutiques & Concept Stores

US-themed boutiques, American aisles or sections, drugstores, cereal bars, pop culture stores, etc.

Cultural Hubs

English-language bookshops, movie theaters, concert halls, galleries, etc.

Get in touch for your American-imported wholesale needs

Giuseppina My American MarketGiuseppina My American Market


Hailing from the city of Naples, Giuseppina knows our products inside out. She guides our clients in Italian, French, and English to ensure utmost satisfaction!

Audrey My American MarketAudrey My American Market


A native of the Toulouse area, Audrey guides her Spanish, French and English clients with great enthusiasm and dynamism!

Carolina My American MarketCarolina My American Market


Together with Anna, she solves our after-sales queries with real efficiency and always with a smile!

Anna My American MarketAnna My American Market


Whether you got a question, need some advice, or are wondering about a late order, Anna’s got the answers!

Our team is here to answer all your questions.

(FR/US) +33 5 64 88 03 33

(IT) +39 06 9480 3958

(ES) +34 93 176 11 96